Sustainability Policy

Last updated: 14.06.2023

At pal, sustainability is intrinsic to everything that we do and everything that we stand for.

The film/TV industry has a huge environmental impact: pal was founded with the aim of addressing its waste issue. We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of the industry by this means, but also by ensuring that every step of pal’s day to day activities are undertaken with consideration to the environment. We accurately measure our carbon footprint and use this to inform our actions going forward.

We believe that film and TV are a vital part of a meaningful life, but we are also aware that they rely upon the consumption of materials, light and sound for an inherently temporary production. As the climate crisis worsens, we believe that the film industry has a duty to improve the way it operates so that it can reduce its threat and work in harmony with people and the planet.

Where are we now?

  • Reuse materials - this is the purpose of the company. We ensure we reuse materials in our offices where we can too.
  • pal’s website is powered by datacentres that take the environment into account. We recently switched from a "green" provider, because we found that despite their green claims, they did very little to consider the environment.
  • Our website/app contains no advertisements that encourage consumption/other potentially environmentally damaging messages.
  • Renewable energy - pal is working to reduce the need for offsetting.
  • Recycling - Our goal is to help productions move to 100% landfill diversion.
  • Energy-efficient equipment e.g. LED lighting in offices, low emissions fleet etc.

Action Plan/Objectives

  • While we are currently a carbon neutral organisation, we have set ourselves the ambitious goal to become net-zero and this is something we are strongly committed to.
  • We hope to increase the capability of our carbon calculator program to allow not just managers but all employees to log actions and engage in carbon calculations.

The entire team at pal works towards a sustainable action plan which is reviewed every month. In order to better our sustainability practices we are constantly monitoring our activities and are aware that continual changes will need to be made.

Please get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions.

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